Thursday, October 3, 2013

Baby Steps

Have you ever reached a time when you really want to "move on" from your past, from your usual life? I have, and I am afraid to do that. Nobody said taking such a big step is easy. It is burdensome. We never know whether it is a good decision or not. Imagine taking such a risk to cut your long black hair and change its style to a short bob. 

What if it turns out to be bad?
But what if it actually makes me look better?

Same things happen to a point in our life. To be very honest, I was once a very fragile and sensitive girl. I took every words and hates seriously and they hurted me, they did. Same thing happen to me when people tell lies. I can remember every single lies people told to me. It did happen once in my relationship with a guy. I never knew he would lie to me about quite a huge thing until my very best friend told me. 

Can you imagine how does it feel to be stabbed? I can imagine it hurts quite a lot and I think that pretty much how I felt that day.

I cried for quite a long time after I decided to broke up with him, until my mom came and saw me tearing up. Such an embarrasement, I know. She said something that really changed me. 

"If a guy made you cry, then he didn't deserve you even a bit. Someone who is willing to give you all his heart won't hurt you or even lie to you, and I know that you will find him one day. Don't be such a crybaby, cheer up! You still got a long future waiting ahead."

Since that day, I really changed everything. I became a more open-minded individual, wiser and stronger in heart. I took a step to change my entire life, even if it's just some babysteps. If you are not strong enough to take a huge change in your life, then don't. Change a bit and a bit then by time you'll realised that those babysteps have created a giant big step on your life. You got to take risk for everything, right?

"Faith is taking the first step even when you 
don't see the whole staircase" - Martin Luther King, Jr


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