Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Life without your dearest one (or two) (or three?)

If you ever wonder what does it feels like to be separated with someone (or many) you are SUPER close to, it feels horrible I guarantee. Especially when they met someone new already, you'll feel left out. It's not that I'm gonna bitch around and complain about it, the main problem is actually me, myself.

I find it kinda hard to be in a new sircumstances, following the fact that I am a Taurus (which clearly doesn't like drastic changes), and I find it awkward to get to know someone new WHICH explain why I am so freakin quiet and dead in front of some people I just met.
I hate the fact that I'm not that good at being interesting or attractive, really. I've tried to be more open and friendly towards new people around me but it doesn't seem to be working out. Not sure whether this is actually happening or it's just me and my own insecurities, but everyone (really literally everyone) seem to blend in easily with their new environment and class.

I'm not gonna lie, at first I was freaking out knowing that I would be all alone without anyone I'm close with in my new class. It felt so weird. I got no one to talk to, no one to be crazy idiot with, no one to go lunch with, etc. I missed my VA1C despite how weird that class was <3
Slowly I started to know my classmates more and more. Eventhough I still felt awkward with some (I admit), but I'm really grateful that they're not being snobish. I'm hoping that I can be friend with you guys without ever feeling awkward in the future<3

Note to self: Please just stop being a social-awkward weirdo, Natasha. Like seriously.


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hardest —random thoughts of the day

The hardest thing isn't about “moving on”//

It's the mindfulness knowing that you cannot come back. That's it. You chose to walk away and eventually someone will replace you on where you stayed before. 

//I'll wait for you
But eventually I'll have to go as well

Thursday, January 2, 2014


You know everything is so fucked up when your home doesn't feel like home anymore. More likely a World War II. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Hey guys happy new year 2014! (; 
2013 has been quite a journey, agree? I finally reached 17, moved out to Singapore, and made quite a decision to be alone for now. Such a roller coaster ride. 

This new year I'm just lucky enough to be able to celebrate it in USA *yay* 
I met new people here, culture-shocked as well. Move back a bit, I celebrated this Christmas' Eve with my dad's ex boss' family in New York with a simple warm dinner. We traded Christmas gifts and stories, they're such a warm-hearted family *i love you guys!* 

Tbh my family never really celebrated Christmas. No Christmas tree, no gifts. Quite sad knowing all my friends are like super excited with Christmas while for me it's just like an "oh okay" event lol


I spent my New Year's Eve watching this Le Rêve The Dream 
Some people spent their evening watching Maroon 5 concert 
Or Calvin Harris
Or Alesso
Or come by to Wynn to meet G-Dragon

I'm freakin sad.

Me: "Dad can we just watch Maroon 5?"
Dad: "What?"
Bro: "Uh uh it's in Mandalay Bay! Super close to our hotel tho"
Dad: "(speaking to a man in the phone)…okay 5 tickets for tonight booked already right? Okay okay good thanks."
Me&Bro: "…"

Btw everyone's been asking me about the 2014 New Year's Resolution 
I always made one every year but rarely accomplished any HE HE *insert awkward smile face here*

So here's my 2014 resolution:
— it's a secret

Kbye and happy new year once again everyoneeeee! :* I love you!



Know why some people keep their walls so high? 
Maybe because they're just afraid and scared

Or maybe they're saving their heart for someone already