Wednesday, April 16, 2014

First Sight

I know I haven't been blogging since forever, but here I am now! I've just finished my 2nd semester in NAFA and guess what, I SURVIVED.
After a long journey of crazy hectic college life, I am finally a free man :')

You know to be very honest, it's such a pity since I've just started to blend with my classmates but at the same time I realized we reached the end of sem already. Even worse, next sem there will be a shuffle which meaaaaaans the class won't be the same anymore :(

To be honest, I sometimes wonder how do I met these guys in NAFA that I can claim as my friends now in NAFA. So many things happened in one year.

'Friends' go, friends come. Life is such a cycle. 

At first I have SLC which is basically a group of my Indo friends. We hang out tgt time after time until we are starting to be busy with our own school works and separated to our own departments. Next I have my FD Indo friends which basically are L, T, I, K, C. These are bunch of cool ladies who I really love. They're like my teachers and really, so freaking hardworking.
Then, I have the Teletubitch and don't ask me why it's called teletubitch HAHAH this is like my housemates such as T, LI, F. They are like the idiots of the century but tbh, my life without them would be damn boring.

Next up is the HOF group of friends. That includes D, the only guy there, H, N, Nat, T. I met them in HOF class where all the fashion design classes are combined to one. Basically none of them are my classmates and I can say we are quite close :)

One more is L. I'm quite blur on how we can be close from the first place. He's one funny guy, but we just clicked on how we thinks about stuffs most of the time. It feels like I have a brother in Singapore where I can tell everything to.

Then, my classmates in FD2A3. You guys have been such a great companion. Eventho there are some dramas going on lately but I still love you guys as a whole (:
In addition, I met AD and AN. They're so freakin crazy that I love them so much eventho I cannot claim myself to be superclose with both of them.
Also the burlington people, you guys know who you are<3

It's crazy how sometimes life guided you to someone that all of sudden become an important person in your life. I'm not being overdramatic so wtv, it's just how I think about it. You can know from the first sight that they will play an important role in your life.

Anw, thanks for being there always, hearing all my complains about life and me bitching around but oh well, true friends stay no matter what xx